Our Shop is Located In The Midwest!

Globe Architectural & Metal has been owned and operated out of south eastern Wisconsin since we started! Our facility maintains 45,000 square feet of operations. We use this space wisely to accommodate as much in house productions as possible. The more materials we are able to fabricate in house, the more we are capable of controlling the quality of our product.

The Wood Department

The Globe Architectural & Metal facility is sectioned off into several different areas for product flow. In the image to the right, you can see a large portion of our wood department. This area of the shop is used mainly for finishing and crating. It is important to be able to maximize the usage of space within the facility. At times, several project can be crated and worked on simultaneously.

The Steel Department

The steel department is also a very large section of our shop. This is the area that material fabrication starts. Having the amount of space and equipment that our facility maintains allows us to fully manufacture up to 144″ elevator cab shells. We are able to use all types of materials such as aluminum, steel, stainless steel, bronze, and copper. The steel department includes all machinery and equipment to provide fully cut, punched, bent, and engraved products.

The Need For Additional Space

In the fall of 2015, Globe Architectural & Metal completed an expansion to add additional space for warehousing and material storage. This added space was imperative to our company growth and ability to handle larger scale projects. We are also able to use this added space for complete elevator cab mock-ups. Globe provides full cab mock-ups for projects that require product inspection prior to installation.

Globe Architectural & Metal

Your source for custom elevator cab interiors.

Custom Projects

Interior Design & Architecture by Globe Architectural & Metal